Tuesday, 11 March 2025

EMPOWERING WIDOWS - WIDOW EMPOWERMENT - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman - Jack’s Empowerment and Inspiration - Ire o

 EMPOWERING WIDOWS - WIDOW EMPOWERMENT - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman 



  1. The Inspiration

2. What is the Curated Business Idea?

3. The Widow:

4. Announcements

5. Beware Of Bad Company

6. Beware Of Scammers and Fraudsters

7. Brainstorming

8. Bringing Up the Children

9. Childcare

10. Children’s Education

11. Confidants

12. Is There a Need to Downsize?

13. Is there a need to review and readjust your lifestyle?

14. Life Insurance?

15. Maintaining Family Ties

16. Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

17. Networking and Socialising

18. Re-marrying

19. Asset and Debt Management

20. Re-starting Life

21. Some Business Ideas for Widows

22. Some Useful Courses and Content For Widows

23. Signposting To Online Courses

24. Up-skilling

25. Useful Social Media Platforms

26. Useful Websites

27. Accounting and Administration

28. Budget and Costing

29. Business Loans

30. Donations

31. Explore Scholarships for Children

32. Funding the business

33. Gift aid

34. Give back

35. Income Option

36. Is the business model sustainable?

37. Luxuries or necessities?

38. Tax

39. Wealth management

40. Will the widows pay for this service?

41. Will this service be free?

42. Loans

43. Burial / Funeral

44. Links to Useful Resources

45. Mentoring and Coaching

46. How Does the Business Model Work?

47. Mourning / Grieving

48. Health and Well-being

49. Niche and Target Demographics

50. Online Leverage

51. Optimising Talents and Interests

52. Orphans

53. Policies and Procedures

54. Reflection

55. Regular Brainstorming

56. Requirements for the Business

57. Business Name

58. Research and Development

59. Research Philanthropists

60. Scaling

61. Screening

62. Should Widows Beg or Earn?

63. Signposting for Support

64. Social Leverage

65. Social Media

66. Social Media Platforms

67. Could Artificial Intelligence Be of Benefit?

68. Spiritual and Cultural Practices and Rites

69. Spirituality

70. Support Network

71. Systems and Structures

72. Team

73. Threats and Weaknesses

74. Training & Development

75. Voluntary Work?

76. Websites and Platforms

77. Widow and Orphan Welfare

78. Will This Business Be a Side or Full Hustle?

79. Accountability and Transparency

80. Are There Different Levels of Access to the Business?

81. Benefits and Opportunities

82. Business Model and Template

83. Business Plan

84. Business Registration

85. Checks and Balances

86. Collaborations

87. Building Bridges

88. Conflict Management

89. Cremation or Burial?

90. Death Certificate

91. Education

92. Entrepreneurship

93. Expectation Management

94. Exploring Options

95. Filling the Gap

96. Franchise

97. Fraud Prevention and Management

98. Housing and Re-Housing

99. Incentivisation, Rewards, and Sanctions

100. Interviews

101. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

102. Language

103. Case Study 1

104. Case Study 2

105. Case Study 3

106. Regulations

107. Terms and Conditions

108. Will and Inheritance

109. Legal Advice

110. Legalities

111. Disclaimer

112. Marital Food for Thought

113. Market Research

114. Marketing

115. Sales Funnel

116. What Exactly Is This Business, in Simple Terms?

117. Food for Thought

118. What type of individuals would be best suited to manage a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to empowering widows?

119. What is in it for people who run such an enterprise?

120. What do you get in return?

121. Do you think people in retirement might find it something interesting to do?

  1. The Inspiration

I've been in contact with widows. 

  • Some have little clue about the way forward. 
  • Some squandered the wealth that they inherited; 
  • Some prefer to beg instead of earning; 
  • Some are over-dependent on their children; 
  • Some require support and assistance; 
  • Some are forgotten by society; 
  • Some are stigmatised; 
  • Some just can’t find a way. 

  • There are also some philanthropists, searching for suitable people to help. 
  • They wish to invest in social capital. 
  • They wish to empower, and add value to society.

2. What is the Curated Business Idea?

It is about leveraging the internet to empower widows, and add value to society.

3. The Widow: 

Empowering Widows - Widow Empowerment - Youtube  

4. Announcements

Upon the deceased's passing, it is general practice to announce this. This could be through social media, WhatsApp, print media, word of mouth, etc. Hopefully, among other things, it may attract sympathisers to offer support, in cash or in kind.

5. Beware Of Bad Company

Be mindful of the company you keep. Some do not have good intentions, and some could cause more harm than good. Spend more time with those who add value to your life, and less time with those who do not.

6. Beware Of Scammers and Fraudsters

There are scammers and fraudsters globally. Be mindful of them and exercise caution. Keep your documents and digital assets safe; especially bank details, passwords, social media credentials, one-time passwords, etc. Fraudsters come in different disguises, so always be on your guard.

Widow Empowerment - Empowering Widows 

7. Brainstorming

Sometimes, when faced with challenges or bottlenecks, you need people who can brainstorm with you through stormy waters, to achieve the desired results. These challenges may range from financial matters, to children with behavioural issues, among others. 

8. Bringing Up the Children

If you have children, especially young ones, you need to explore different options for the best way to raise them. The journey may be challenging, but good results are attainable.

9. Childcare

Upon the loss of your husband, you need to explore and implement affordable childcare solutions.

These include feeding, healthcare, housing, clothing, and education.

Jack’s Life Lessons For Teenagers 

10. Children’s Education

For your children's education, funding options could include self-funding, support from relatives and friends, crowdfunding, support from philanthropists, or applying for scholarships; among others.

11. Confidants

The need for confidants cannot be overemphasised. These should be one or a few trusted and respected individuals who can offer counsel and advice in a user-friendly manner. Ideally, they should be wise and older people of integrity, who can provide sound guidance; and are unafraid to tell you the truth, even when it is sometimes difficult to hear.

12. Is There a Need to Downsize?

If the family was fully reliant on the husband financially, it may be necessary to downsize, especially if the current home is unaffordable. Consider moving to a more affordable area or changing schools to more cost-effective options. These are difficult, but practical steps that may need to be taken.

Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment 

13. Is there a need to review and readjust your lifestyle?

Yes, this may be necessary, especially if the deceased was the sole or primary breadwinner. It is a painful but practical and realistic necessity.

14. Life Insurance?

If your husband had relevant insurance coverage, it might be of help to cover some related costs and expenses. Explore this by reviewing relevant documents and bank statements, and seek assistance as necessary.

15. Maintaining Family Ties

As a widow, it may be beneficial to maintain ties with kith and kin; as this support could prove invaluable sooner or later.

Marital Food For Thought 

16. Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

It is easy to slide into depression or suicidal thoughts, especially if you deeply loved your husband. However, you must be mindful of the emotional impact on yourself and your loved ones. While grieving is natural and necessary, always remember that you need to make the best of what remains of your life. If you have children, they need you. If you have other loved ones, such as parents and siblings, consider how your actions could affect them. 

Death is one of life's realities, and it can happen

to anyone at any time. However, we must find ways and means to manage and navigate through it.

17. Networking and Socialising

While you may cherish your peace, it is also important to interact with others. By doing so, you can open yourself to new opportunities, improve your emotional and mental well-being, and leverage any support that may be on offer.

18. Re-marrying

Will you consider re-marrying? Will you consider having more children? Do you need a man in your life? Will you trade off your inheritance? Will you consider becoming a 2nd or 3rd wife? Will you need to satisfy your sexual urges? – These are some thoughts worthy of consideration.

Marital Food For Thought 

19. Asset and Debt Management

If the deceased left behind assets or debts, you may consider managing these. You may seek help as necessary. You may implore repayment plans for the debts. 

You need to avoid visits from the bailiffs and possible litigation. 

For the assets, you need to effectively manage these. You need to manage greedy others. You need to manage fraudulent opportunists, etc.

20. Re-starting Life

Even though the bereavement may be a tough and painful blow, it may be an opportunity to reflect and re-calibrate. It may be an opportunity to do some things differently, and an opportunity to start another race. As is commonly quoted, ‘when one door closes, another slowly opens.’ It’s for you to seek and leverage the doors and opportunities that are presented.

21. Some Business Ideas for Widows

• Affiliate Marketing

• Bereavement Consulting

• Bereavement Management

• Content Creation

• Content Creation for Widows

• Crowdfunding for Widows

• Digital Entrepreneurship

• Employment Coaching

• Empowering Widows

• Entrepreneurial Coaching

• Event Planning

• Interviewing Widows

• Investment Platforms for Widows

• Mindset Coaching for Widows

• Peer Support Group for Widows

• Platforms for Widow Empowerment

  • Prayer Groups for Widows
  • Mentoring And Coaching 

• Matchmaking for Widows

• Social Media Platforms for Widows

• Stories of Widows

  • Stories of Inspirational Widows
  • Etc.

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

22. Some Useful Courses and Content For Widows

• Debt management

• Importance of mentoring and coaching

• Investments

• Jack’s Empowerment

• Curated business ideas

• Jack’s Life Lessons for Teenagers

• Basic information technology skills

• Basic numeracy and literacy skills

  • Effectively leveraging the internet

• Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment

• Remarkable Lessons from Mothers-in-Law

• Jack’s Empowerment and Inspiration

• Money management

• Jack Lookman’s eBooks

• Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks

  • Jack Lookman’s Social Media
  • Optimising your talents

• Online business opportunities

  • Resource management
  • Business collaborations
  • Finding scholarships
  • Avoiding online and offline fraudsters

• Survival on a small budget

• The importance of integrity

• Time management

  • Personal development
  • Basic research skills
  • Optimising Social media 

• Finding my purpose

• Optimising my spirituality

• Preparing for old age

• Getting employment

• Affiliate marketing

• Making the best of a difficult situation

  • Blogging
  • Importance of a positive mindset

• Jack’s Curated Business Ideas

  • Marital Food for Thought
  • Finding Philanthropists
  • Private label rights 

• Entrepreneurship

  • Content creation
  • Effective crowdfunding 
  • Self-employment
  • Etc.

23. Signposting To Online Courses

Signpost widows to relevant and affordable online courses. Udemy may be a good starting point, or Jack’s Empowerment. Also, teach them how to do relevant searches on the internet. You could also guide them on different search criteria.

24. Up-skilling

You may consider teaching widows additional useful skills. These could be done online. You could also create the courses or purchase them off the shelf. You may also consider signposting the widows accordingly. Some of these could be complementary gifts to the widows.

Jack Lookman’s Courses 

25. Useful Social Media Platforms

Signpost widows to relevant social media platforms, such as: 

  • widow-specific platforms
  • personal development platforms
  • counselling platforms
  • spiritual platforms
  • entrepreneurial platforms
  • social platforms
  • etc.

26. Useful Websites

You could signpost clients to useful websites, blogs, podcasts, social media platforms, etc. You could also suggest relevant search keywords, so that their search process is enriched. Also, advise them of fraudulent websites and guide them on best practices while conducting online searches.

You could also create and update your business digital platforms.

27. Accounting and Administration

As a business, you need to have your books in order. Apart from using it to improve your value proposition, it may be useful for regulatory compliance.

Being Organised

28. Budget and Costing

To start this business model, you need to have a budget. This could be a weekly, monthly, quarterly,  or annual budget, as necessary. You need to cost your activities and relevant costing elements. This way, there shall be little or no business disruptions. You need to give due and prolonged thought to these, to ensure that you capture all elements.

29. Business Loans

For suitable widows who wish to go into business, and require business loans, you need to prepare them adequately, carry out risk assessments, offer relevant training, conduct due diligence, include checks and balances, and have suitable systems and structures in place. 

You might lend them the whole or part of the loan or collaborate with them on the business venture. You could also consider crowdfunding for them.

30. Donations

Part of your income stream may come from donations from stakeholders or interested others.

Consider including options for donations on your digital and other platforms, proactively.

Could you make a donation to sustain the great work we do?

31. Explore Scholarships for Children

You shall have a database of scholarship providers, and signpost the widows accordingly. This information should be made accessible on your digital platforms, or other literature.

32. Funding the business

Your business income streams could include:

  • donations from philanthropists
  • affiliate marketing
  • sponsors
  • adverts
  • complimentary or other businesses
  • government funding
  • funding from organisations (as part of corporate social responsibility)
  • direct debits from supporters
  • donations from successful beneficiaries of the process
  • sale of books and other created content
  • monetisation of social media platforms
  • investors
  • etc.

33. Gift aid

If you’re based in the United Kingdom and running the business as a charity, you may be eligible for Gift Aid, where you receive an additional 20% of donations made to your organisation.

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

34. Give back

This business model is intended to be a means for donors and collaborators to give back to society.

It is not intended to be a money-making machine.

35. Income Option

As part of your value proposition to the widows, explore different income options that resonate with them and could sustain them and their children. The created content and onboarding interview could adequately address this objective.

36. Is the business model sustainable?

In my opinion, this business model is sustainable. You will not only be reliant on donations but will also explore other income streams and sales funnels.

Jack Lookman Limited 

37. Luxuries or necessities?

If there is inadequate finance for the family, their mindset needs to be reoriented from buying luxuries, to buying necessities. Otherwise, they will run out of money sooner rather than later, and may become beggars, thieves, or fall into bad company.

38. Tax

If you are eligible to pay tax, do not delay in paying it. Include this expense in your costing.

39. Wealth management

For widows with access to wealth, you may consider signposting them to reputable wealth managers.

Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment 

40. Will the widows pay for this service?

There is a range of services on offer, catering to different financial capacities. The widows can access free and affordable services. There is also scope for discounts, which may be offered based on the widows’ circumstances, commitment, and other reasonable considerations.

41. Will this service be free?

No, it will not. If it is free, the widows may not value it. Consider offering significant discounts where necessary. However, for those who show great commitment but cannot afford the service, you may consider offering it for free. Terms and conditions shall apply. 

Alternatively, if they introduce paying clients, they could receive bigger discounts.

42. Loans

As part of your value proposition, you may consider crowdfunding for the widow and her children. This should be allocated to essential expenses such as food, shelter, education, business, etc. Due diligence must be conducted to ensure that the funds are used for their intended purpose. These could be interest-free loans or gifts.

Jack’s Life Lessons For Teenagers 

43. Burial / Funeral

Some cultures or religions encourage the burial of the deceased within a couple of days; while others permit delays of months. For some, the ceremony is simple; for others, there are elaborate ceremonial activities. In some cases, burial is the norm, while in others, cremation is preferred.

The costs also vary; some are high, while others are minimal. Assess your position in this spectrum and decide what best suits you.

44. Links to Useful Resources

As part of your value proposition, you could create relevant content and signpost widows to useful resources. These could include websites, social media platforms, legal professionals, and other relevant services.

45. Mentoring and Coaching

These can be conducted online or offline. They could be structured as one-to-one sessions or group-based. Additionally, they could be facilitated through membership sites or social media platforms.

Jack’s Mentoring 101 

46. How Does the Business Model Work?

  • You shall market your products and services. 
  • You shall create content and attract widows who

resonate with your business model. 

  • You shall put relevant checks and balances in place and

secure funding. 

  • A business plan is essential, alongside a team and collaborators. 
  • Due diligence must be conducted. 
  • Reinvestment into the business, regular brainstorming, with ongoing research and development shall be key. Additionally, you shall invest in training and development, while continuously improving your value proposition.

47. Mourning / Grieving

You shall have content, systems, and structures in place to ease the grieving process. Emphasising potential light at the end of the tunnel. Encouraging thankfulness for the gift of life, rather than regret or sorrow for the loss of life. Exploring good deeds to be implemented in memory of the deceased.

48. Health and Well-being

It’s important to maintain good health and well-being. Encourage widows to sleep well, remain healthy, and eat nutritious foods. They should also engage in exercise as practicable, maintain a work-life balance, and gravitate towards activities that bring them joy and happiness.

Healthy You And I 

49. Niche and Target Demographics

Your target demographic shall primarily be widows. You may make it location-specific, target certain age groups, faiths, levels of education, income groups, or those in the diaspora. It could also be a combination of these.

50. Online Leverage

Leveraging online platforms shall be a major part of the business. It is cost-effective, highly impactful, and an efficient way to implement the business model affordably.

51. Optimising Talents and Interests

As part of your business offerings, consider optimising the talents and interests of widows. If they pursue what they enjoy, as a source of income, they have a greater chance of long-term financial and sustained success.

Digital Career Guidance App 

52. Orphans

As you offer services to widows, keep in mind that many of them also have orphans to care for. Ensure that your approach considers the well-being of their children as well.

53. Policies and Procedures

These should be documented to guide your practices. They should address key questions in the business model, be updated as necessary, and remain accessible to stakeholders.

54. Reflection

The loss of life presents an opportunity for the living to reflect. Death is one of the few certainties of life, and it is good practice for everyone to reflect on their mortality, and conduct their affairs in the best possible way. It is also important to reflect on human behaviour, personal strengths, and weaknesses and to manage expectations effectively, in order to minimise disappointment.

Submission, Gratitude, Faith and Hope 

55. Regular Brainstorming

As a business, you need to brainstorm regularly, to improve your value proposition and remain relevant.

56. Requirements for the Business

To start, you’ll need digital devices, a team (leverage volunteers), relevant skills, online platforms, an internet connection, funding, website hosting, a domain name, etc.

57. Business Name

You need to choose a suitable business name. Good practice suggests that the name should be:

  • concise
  • relevant
  • easy to remember

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

58. Research and Development

As part of your business process, you need to continually conduct Research and Development.

Stay updated on industry standards, research your competitors, and strive to improve the value

you offer. 

59. Research Philanthropists

As part of your value offering, you may research suitable philanthropists. They shall be included in your literature, either as open or cloaked digital links. You could signpost widows to these philanthropists and collaborate with them.

60. Scaling

You could scale the business by exploring different demographics, forming collaborations, offering translated versions of your content, establishing a franchise, or selling Private Label Rights.

Curated Business Ideas 

61. Screening

As part of your due diligence, you need to screen individuals accessing your services. Ensure you get the right fit, and avoid fraudulent individuals or those who may cause harm.

62. Should Widows Beg or Earn?

Some widows opt for the easy option of begging, either directly or indirectly. It should be part of your value proposition, to teach them how to earn, and maintain their dignity. You should open them to opportunities, optimise their potential, build their confidence, and support them.

63. Signposting for Support

Widows shall be signposted to suitable content, services, and philanthropists in addition to what your business offers. The overriding factor is to add value to widows and impact society positively.

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman 

64. Social Leverage

As a business, you need to leverage your social network. That way, people shall get to know about your business, and what you have to offer. It could even open opportunities for those who wish to support in cash or kind, and for those who wish to collaborate.

65. Social Media

Social media shall play a major role in executing your value proposition. It could be effectively used as a lead magnet, as well as a networking platform for like-minded individuals. It also presents opportunities for monetisation.

66. Social Media Platforms

Consider platforms like Facebook, podcasts, and membership sites.

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

67. Could Artificial Intelligence Be of Benefit?

Yes, it could. You could leverage it in creating great content as well as in digital marketing.

68. Spiritual and Cultural Practices and Rites

There are spiritual and cultural practices that come with the loss of a husband. For example, the widow may be expected to mourn for prescribed periods, remain housebound for a period, shave her head, or share the deceased’s inheritance with the extended family.

Submission, Gratitude, Faith and Hope 

69. Spirituality

Widows shall be encouraged to explore their spirituality—to pray, seek divine help and guidance, partake in charitable activities, within reason, and do good deeds.

They Humbled Me

70. Support Network

Widows need to have support networks. These could be family, friends, and associates. 

As the saying goes, ‘no man is an island.’

71. Systems and Structures

Automate your processes as much as possible. Effectively address common queries. Have relevant policies and procedures. Carry out due diligence, to make processes seamless and painless. And, of course, have a process map.

72. Team

For the business, consider having a team. They could be ad hoc or freelancers, volunteers, paid staff, or a combination of these. By having a team, the workload is shared, you can leverage different experiences and skills, and you can have different perspectives on each scenario. If you have the right team, you become stronger, more impactful, effective, and better.

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks 

73. Threats and Weaknesses

This business could:

  • affect the status quo. 
  • There could be conflict. 
  • There could be fraud. 
  • Not every widow is computer literate. 
  • There could be abuse of process. 
  • There could be inadequate funding. 
  • There may be inadequate resources. 
  • There may be regulatory bottlenecks. 
  • There may be technical issues.
  • There may be copycats.
  • Etc.

74. Training & Development

Just as you shall offer training to clients, you shall also offer it to your team. That way, you shall get the best out of them, and offer great service to the widows. Most of the training shall be online.

75. Voluntary Work?

As part of your team, you may include volunteers. In return for offering their time for free, you could offer training, experience, and networking opportunities.

About Volunteering

76. Websites and Platforms

Have a website, blog, membership site, podcast, and Social Media platforms. Also, create your paperbacks and eBooks.

77. Widow and Orphan Welfare

The welfare of the widows and orphans shall be uppermost in your mind. You shall aim to protect their interests within reason, and subject to available resources.

78. Will This Business Be a Side or Full Hustle?

You could start it as a side hustle to test the waters. If there’s a lot of demand,  and the business thrives, you may consider making it a full-time hustle.

Curated Business Ideas 

79. Accountability and Transparency

This business model aims to be accountable and transparent. With such values, you could attract more investment and interest in your business pursuits. You shall also build trust.

80. Are There Different Levels of Access to the Business?

Yes, there are. 

  • Widows could access free content on Social Media.
  • They could access content on the blog and podcast.
  • They could access paid content on the membership site. 
  • They could access one-to-one or one-to-many webinars.
  • They could also access paperbacks and eBooks. 

  • Some of these accesses are free, and some are paid.
  • With the paid access, there shall be different payment plans for different wallet sizes.

81. Benefits and Opportunities

This business model presents opportunities and benefits:

  • The interests of widows and orphans are protected.
  • They have access to valuable information. 
  • They become empowered and inspired.
  • Value is added to society. 
  • Their dignity is kept intact. 
  • You could monetise services, or offer them for


  • It could create job opportunities. 
  • It could be executed cost-effectively via the Internet.
  • This could be part of social responsibility. 
  • You could build stronger and fairer communities. 
  • It could be a legacy project. 
  • You could multiply profits by leveraging sales funnels.
  • Etc.

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

82. Business Model and Template

  • The business shall mainly be executed online, with a little bit of offline access. 
  • Cases shall be referred to you. 
  • You shall carry out due diligence. 
  • You shall identify the needs of the widows. 
  • You shall support in-cash and/or in-kind. 
  • You shall have an action plan. 
  • You shall assess the widows.
  • Most of the support shall be online. 
  • There shall be checks and balances in place. 
  • You shall raise funds as necessary. 
  • You shall equip widows with relevant skills. 
  • If a business loan is required by clients, this shall be facilitated as necessary. The loans shall be interest-free. 
  • You shall continue to monitor the widow’s progress and support her morally. 
  • You shall also give her access to your online content.
  • You shall have a pre-planned duration for offered support. 
  • You shall leverage positive psychology to ensure that she gets the best of the support on offer. 
  • Upon conclusion, you shall sign her off. 
  • You need to protect her dignity; hence, there may be the need for confidentiality. 
  • You shall encourage successful beneficiaries to make contributions to the business in cash or kind.

83. Business Plan

Most successful businesses have business plans. These usually guide the direction of the business. Relevant thought processes are documented. Finances and strategy are also captured.

Business plans are usually updated ever so often, to make them more in tune with realities.

There’s a lot of content online to guide you in writing your business plan.

84. Business Registration

Consider registering the business as a charity, non-governmental organisation, or social enterprise.

Ingredients Of Business

85. Checks and Balances

You need to put checks and balances in place, to avoid fraudulent practices from within and outside the business.

86. Collaborations

As a business, you may consider collaborating with similar others, on different projects or business ventures. This could be an additional income stream.

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman 

87. Building Bridges

As a business, one of the things you could do for your clients is to build bridges. These could be personal, professional, or new bridges. You need to re-establish old bonds and build new ones. You could also train the clients on how to maintain such bridges. The bridges could be of mutual benefit to all parties, and could particularly re-ignite a social strength for the client,

thereby enabling them to have a better quality of life.

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

88. Conflict Management

There’s potential for conflict within the family unit, with the extended family, with friends, neighbours, etc. The widow needs to be mindful of letting these bog them down. They need to focus on the future and important matters, and minimise such distractions. If necessary, they may research conflict management methodologies to mitigate such challenges. This could also be a course on offer by the business.

89. Cremation or Burial?

Some cultures and religions permit one or both. One is also cheaper than the other. Give due consideration, before making your preference.

90. Death Certificate

It’s important to get a death certificate from the medical personnel or body. This comes in handy along the way, for legal and other reasons.

Submission, Gratitude, Faith and Hope 

91. Education

Education is of great importance, especially for the children. If formal education is elusive, due to inadequate finances, informal education could be explored by leveraging online courses. Platforms

such as Udemy could be considered. Additionally, scholarships could be sought to address this challenge.

Also guide the orphans in making educated career choices. These shall be part of the value you add to the widows and orphans.

92. Entrepreneurship

You could signpost interested widows to online and related courses on entrepreneurship. You could also mentor them through the process. If done correctly, the widows could become self-sufficient and may even consider reinvesting some of their earnings into this business as a way of saying ‘thank you,’ as well as giving back.

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

93. Expectation Management

You need to effectively manage the expectations of the widows. Nothing is guaranteed. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’ Effort and other resources could yield success. They can’t expect to ‘sow cassava and reap plantain.’ The journey may not be plain sailing, but success is likely to be achieved upon making relevant sacrifices.

Jack Lookman’s eBooks 

94. Exploring Options

Your role isn’t primarily to impose your thoughts on your clients, but to educate them and explore options that best suit their needs. This shall be done within reason, by enabling them to make the right decisions.

95. Filling the Gap

Have systems in place to ensure that the gap left by the deceased, is filled as much as possible. These include financial, emotional, and spiritual support. If there’s a business case to finance this, then proceed accordingly.

96. Franchise

This business model could be franchised or shared in the form of content or consultancy. You could articulate content and templates so that the model can be replicated. It’s up to you whether you choose to monetise this, or not.

Jack Lookman’s Blogs 

97. Fraud Prevention and Management

You need to have systems and structures in place to mitigate fraudulent practices from within or outside the business. These could range from fraudulent widows and staff, to those who wish to abuse the process, impersonators, and fraudulent third parties.

98. Housing and Re-Housing

Housing and re-housing are matters that need careful consideration. If the widow’s financial status changes, it may be wise to downsize or move to a more affordable location. This issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible to avoid eviction, homelessness, desperation, etc.

99. Incentivisation, Rewards, and Sanctions

To encourage widows to follow-through with the support and action points, you could introduce rewards and sanctions. Consider digital or physical gifts as incentives. If they fall behind, there may be sanctions, but there should also be opportunities for them to redeem their shortfalls. 

Many people struggle with fulfilling commitments due to a lack of focus or due to life’s distractions.

Jack Lookman’s Websites 

100. Interviews

As part of your screening process, you shall interview prospective clients. This shall mainly be done online. You shall then review their applications and decide whether they are suitable fits for the service you offer.

You should have a well-prepared bank of interview questions, from which you can pick and choose.

101. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

You shall establish key performance indicators to measure your success. These could include:

• The number of successful cases annually

• The number of applications for your service

• The number of visitors to your digital content

• The number of widows empowered

• The amount of donations attracted

  • The Trust pilot star-rating or review
  • Etc.

102. Language

Your content could be in English or different languages of choice, depending on your client demographics. You could also create translated versions of your content.

Yoruba Project 

103. Case Study 1

A widow had a chat with me, sharing her challenges after the loss of her husband. She had recently come out of seclusion with her in-laws, which lasted about six months. She also recently turned 50. My thought process was to empower her by sharing my knowledge and wealth of experience. I had no money to give her, but the value of the mentoring I provided was probably worth more than gold. I spent over an hour sharing my thoughts. At the end of the session, she probably didn’t take notes;

all she was interested in was me giving her money. I aim to give her a token when I’m able, but that means she will forever ask for money. She is one of the reasons behind this ‘Jack’s Curated Business Idea.’

104. Case Study 2

Another case is that of the widow of a former classmate. Contributions were made for her a few

times, but she keeps asking for more.

105. Case Study 3

Another case involves a friend who left a sizeable inheritance for his widow and family. Within a couple of years, it was all squandered. The widow then resorted to relying on financial gifts from family and friends. She was ill-prepared for such wealth and the untimely death.

Could you make a donation to sustain the great work we do?

106. Regulations

In carrying out this business model, you need to be aware of relevant regulations and regulatory bodies; and to abide by any regulations that apply to your practice.

107. Terms and Conditions

Clearly articulate the Terms and Conditions for widows, stakeholders, and other users. These should be agreed-upon as a pre-condition for using the service, and made available digitally.

Establishing clear terms will help manage expectations effectively, and minimise or avoid conflict. They should also be updated periodically as necessary. Accepting the digital Terms and Conditions shall be mandatory before accessing the service.

108. Will and Inheritance

Some deceased persons leave a will, with instructions on how their inheritance should be distributed. In many cases, this makes the process smooth. However, in other cases, it can cause friction and disputes within families. Some family members become adversaries and take legal

action. In some instances, the legal costs may even outweigh the inheritance itself.

Empowering Orphans, Widows and Widowers 

109. Legal Advice

When there is a bereavement, seeking legal advice may be necessary. This can be useful in resolving inheritance and other related issues.

110. Legalities

In running this business model, you need to ensure compliance with legal requirements. This includes having clear Terms and Conditions, adhering to regulations, and registering the business appropriately.

111. Disclaimer

This presentation is simply an idea. Great financial rewards are not guaranteed, although there is potential for such. You need to carry out due diligence, customise and refine the idea to maximise its chances of success.

Marital Food For Thought 

112. Marital Food for Thought

As part of your sales funnel, you could direct your clients to content such as ‘Marital Food for Thought’ and other content by Jack Lookman; the full compliment of content could be accessed at jacklookmanlimited.com 

113. Market Research

You need to conduct thorough market research before embarking on this venture. Consider the following:

  • Is there a similar product in the market?
  • Is there enough space for you in the marketplace?

• How soon do you expect to break even?

• Is the business model self-sustaining?

  • Will it consume all your time and resources?
  • Etc.

114. Marketing

You could explore various marketing strategies, including:

• Digital marketing

• Social media marketing

• WhatsApp marketing

• Print media marketing

• Google Ads

  • Bing Ads
  • Etc.

Basic Affiliate Marketing Course 

115. Sales Funnel

To effectively monetise your business, consider implementing sales funnels with up-sells, down-sells, cross-sells, and lead magnets. You could also promote affiliate marketing links from third parties.

116. What Exactly Is This Business, in Simple Terms?

In a nutshell, this business model is about empowering and inspiring widows cost-effectively, by leveraging the internet. In the process, society as a whole benefits.

117. Food for Thought

  • Should women prepare for widowhood? 
  • Do wives generally outlive their husbands? 
  • Is it a taboo to prepare for widowhood? 
  • Could the preparation be passive? 
  • Could preparation be beneficial?
  • Should you wait for the eventuality first? 
  • Is this business model flawed? 
  • What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts? 

118. What type of individuals would be best suited to manage a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to empowering widows?

Someone who is of graduate equivalent would be good to run it—either as a side hustle or as a full-time hustle. Somebody who is empathetic about the plight of widows, someone who is a visionary, and someone willing to give back to society.

With this business model, it's not all about making money. Although you might be able to make money to break even, that's not where the focus is. The focus is more on social responsibility— impacting the widows who are struggling or suffering; and making them the best version of themselves, while also adding value to society.

The business might have a team for support. The team will probably be ad hoc. That means you just use them when you need them; which avoids complications like pensions, sick leave, holiday pay, worker strikes, etc.

The CEO shall have the vision, and drive the process. 

I think someone of graduate calibre or thereabout would be good for this.

Alternatively, the business could be run voluntarily and flexibly—the CEO might have a full time job, and then just chip in now and again to help. 

Unemployed graduates might also be a good fit for this role, but they’ll need rigorous training to put them at par with expectations.

Those are the types of people that I think can execute this business model.

Jack’s Empowerment 

119. What is in it for people who run such an enterprise?

For those who run this enterprise, as I've mentioned earlier, it's not about money. The emphasis is more on giving—making impact and giving back to society. That’s the overriding aim.

It’s just like doing voluntary work, and it might not necessarily be a full-time occupation. The business executors might spend two, three, or four hours a week on it. It’s more about giving back and making a contribution to improving society.

120. What do you get in return? 

Hopefully, if you empower widows; some of them, in appreciation, might give you gifts in return. They may repay your support sooner or later.

For all intents and purpose, consider a widow who was down and out; with little or no hope, whose life you suddenly transformed—if they attain financial success; somewhere down the line, like they say, "what goes around comes around."

Someday in the future, fate might put you in a position where you require help; and those, or other people could come to your aid.

But like I've said, the overriding aim is not to make money or profit. With this business model, you might be able to make money, but that’s not the main aim of the project. It’s more about giving; and like they say, when you give, you are likely to receive. 

From a spiritual or philosophical perspective, with whatever good deeds you do on earth; hopefully, when you're in your grave, you will rest well, and people will pray for you, etc.

Remarkable Lessons From Mothers-In-Law 

121. Do you think people in retirement might find it something interesting to do?

That's a very great possibility as well. It could keep them busy, help them acquire good deeds, and enable some income generation. It could also be a good legacy project.

Jaaloo Puzzles 

122. Useful Links:

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas - Over 110 Curated Business Ideas 

Jack’s Mentoring 101 

Juwon Ogungbe 

Profit Sharing Formula App 

Jack Lookman’s Social Media   

Curated Business Ideas - Blog 

Curated Business Ideas - Videos 

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman 

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman 

Jack Lookman’s Courses 

Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks 

Jack Lookman’s eBooks 

Youtube channel  

Thank you very much for your time. I hope that you got some value. 

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

123. What do we do at Jack Lookman Limited ?

  • Content Creation
  • Mentoring And Coaching 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Business Collaboration
  • App Development Collaborations
  • Blogging
  • Multiple Author
  • Ebooks
  • Social media 

If our content resonates with you, you may consider contacting us via “Book A Chat With Jack Lookman” at jacksempowerment.com 

Could you impact tomorrow’s future?

If interested in being mentored, please check Jack’s Mentoring 101 at jacksempowerment.com 

If interested in collaborating, please visit Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman at jacksempowerment.com 

We have a range of courses at jacksempowerment.com 

To access over 100 videos on Jack’s Curated Business Ideas please visit jacksempowerment.com 

For a full list of our paperbacks, please visit jacklookmanlimited.com 

For our ebooks, please visit selar.co

To access our novel arithmetic and logic app, please visit jaaloopuzzles.com and jaaloo.com 

If you got value, please feel free to share our content.

Could you make a donation to sustain the great work we do?

You could find our list of books, websites and Social media platforms at jacklookmanlimited.com 

John Tosin Adekunle - Thank you for your input

Great International Money Transfer

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman signing off. 

Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Could this inspire kindness and compassion?

Youtube channel: Jack Lookman  

Youtube channel: Curated Business Ideas 


  • Courses by Jack Lookman Limited 
  • Becoming Organised
  • Mindset
  • Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 
  • Jack’s Mentoring 101  (18+ only)
  • Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman (18+ only)
  • Book A Chat With Jack Lookman 
  • Etc.

Will you remember the less fortunate?


  • Jack Lookman Limited Websites
  • Jack Lookman On Social media 
  • Jack Lookman Paperbacks
  • Jack Lookman’s eBooks 
  • Etc.









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At Jack Lookman Limited: Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet. 

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EMPOWERING WIDOWS - WIDOW EMPOWERMENT - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman - Jack’s Empowerment and Inspiration - Ire o

  EMPOWERING WIDOWS - WIDOW EMPOWERMENT - Jack’s Curated Business Idea  - Jack Lookman  Content Content The Inspiration 2. Wha...