Friday 9 August 2024

The Walkers’ Club - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman - Jack Lookman Limited - empowering and inspiring generations - Olayinka Carew

 Hello, greetings to one and all. Welcome to our series: 

Jack’s Curated Business Ideas 

This is Jack Lookman. Today's topic is: 

The Walkers’ Club

It's more of a social initiative, and probably not much of a money spinner.

The Inspiration 

We have different types of clubs: cycling clubs, business clubs, etc. Why can't we have clubs for the elderly or the overweight, etc? Something like a walking club.

The Idea

For older citizens or those who are overweight, walking regularly may be a good, affordable and sustainable form of exercise. Partaking in organized walking could be amazing.


Some of the benefits include:

• Networking 

  • Keeping fit 
  • Monetisation
  • Beneficial use of time

• Community spirit 

• Health and well being 

• Elongated life

• Reduced health bills

• Reduced health budget (especially for government)

• Leveraged synergy

  • Skill enhancement 
  • Useful experience (especially for the facilitators)

Added Value to Participants 

You could include:

• Incentivisation 

• Online courses 

• Offline courses 

• Social events 

• Dancing clubs 

  • Soft physical games 
  • Jaaloo Puzzles 
  • Etc.

The Business Model

It could be:

• Self employed

• Charity or non-governmental organisation

• Affiliations to other companies

• Social enterprise

  • Or run by the council


These could include: 

• Physical and health practitioners 

• Volunteers 

  • Administrators 
  • Etc

Frequency Of The Walks

It could be:

  • weekly
  • twice a week
  • or as agreed (tailored to the user)


• Sponsorships 

• Donations 

  • Grants
  • Etc

Groups That Could Benefit From This Idea:

• Adults

• Elders 

  • Overweight people


Please consider the following:

• Disclaimers

• Indemnification 

• Contracts / Agreements

• Business registration

  • Regulatory compliance 
  • Terms and Conditions 
  • Etc 


This could be done through:

• Social media 

• Flyers 

• Referrals 

• Advertisements

• Word of mouth 

• Doctors surgeries (General Practitioners (GP’s))

  • Community groups
  • Digital marketing
  • Etc

Name of the group or business 

You could use names like:

• London Walkers’ Club 

• London Elders’ Walkers’ Club 

  • Walking And Healthy 
  • Keeping Healthy
  • Etc 

  • Employ your creativity in choosing the name. You could re-brand later as necessary.
  • Consider:
    • resonance of the name with the activity
    • a short concise name or phrase
    • a relevant name
    • a memorable name

Opportunities Presented

These could include:

• Shared best practice 

• Shared pitfalls 

• Added societal value 

• Community building 

• Healthier society 

• Job creation

• Delayed mortality 

• Content creation 

  • Residual income (from the created content)


These are not in any particular order. 

• You could agree on suitable walking paces (for different categories of people)

• You could explore Health & Safety issues

• You could do risk assessments for individual users

• You could have legalities in place to protect yourself and other stakeholders

• You could have groups and sub groups 

• You could do a bit of administration 

• You could do review and evaluation as necessary.

• You could have an application form for those who are going to join the walks

  • You can also have systems and structures on data management in place.
  • Etc

Research and Development 

Is something similar in existence? Could you learn therefrom? Could you leverage best practices? If not, could you articulate your experiences and curate content around them? Could you share these experiences and possibly monetize? 

In terms of content, it could be texts, video or audio. You could also put these on different platforms, such as social media, membership sites, etc.

Risk management 

You have to prepare for:

• Accidents 

• Illness 

• Vulnerability

  • Call Of Nature

• Health & Safety 

• Weather condition

• Location 

  • Data leakage 
  • Etc


Could this business be scaled? Could you replicate the activities in different locations? Could you replicate it in different parts of London? Different parts of United Kingdom? And maybe in different countries? Could you replicate the process with different groups? Could you create content and share the experience? Could you seek multiple funding?  Could you have a franchise if the business model is successful?

Skills Required 

Some of the relevant skills are:

• Crowd management 

• Resuscitation skills 

• First aid skills 

• Communication skills 

• Interpersonal skills 

• Administrative skills

• Health and Safety skills

  • People management skills
  • Information technology skills
  • General Data Protection Regulation Skills 
  • Etc

Threats and Weaknesses 

These may include:

• Abuse of process 

• Vulnerability 

  • Accidents 
  • Fraud

• Lack of funding

• Data leakage 

  • Crime 
  • Etc.

Timing - Day

Suggested timing for the walks are: in the afternoon or evening. When the weather is favorable.

Timing - Months - Seasons 

What time of the month or season is good? It could be:

• Summer

• Spring

  • Autumn. 

  • Definitely not winter if it’s going to be outdoors, because people could be prone to accidents, etc. If it’s going to be done indoors, options may be greater especially in the UK and other western countries.

Timing - week 

What time of the week is best for this? 

It could be weekdays or weekends. If it’s going to be weekdays, probably afternoons or evenings. And if it’s going to be weekends, probably the same. You could give the service users the option of choosing their preferred time slots.

Suggested Venues

It could be parks or suitable indoor venues.

Point of Note 

This is basically an idea. It needs to be perfected. Nothing is guaranteed and we take no responsibility for any undesirable 

Thank you for your input: John Tosin Adekunle 

What do we do at Jack Lookman Limited 

  • Content Creation
  • Mentoring And Coaching 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Business Collaboration
  • App Development Collaborations

If our content resonates with you, you may consider contacting us via Book A Chat With Jack Lookman at 

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If you got value, please feel free to share our content.

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Thank you very much for your time 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. 

Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings) 

Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet 

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