Friday 1 March 2024

Monetising Jollof Rice - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman - empowering and inspiring generations - Empowerment and Inspiration


Monetising Jollof Rice  


Jack’s Curated Business Idea 


Jack Lookman 

Jack’s Curated Business Idea

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Do you eat Jollof Rice?

Are you interested in monetising jollof rice?

Does your lack of catering skills, impede you?

Will you love to explore options?

Could you make a difference?

Will you explore passive income?

Could you be a Jollof Rice Entrepreneur?

Could you monetize Jollof Rice without a spoon?

Could you monetize Jollof Rice without a kitchen?

We shall explore the above, and more.

And open your mind to possibilities.

Get a pen and paper handy.

And articulate your creative thoughts.

This content shall also help stimulate your thoughts.

Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings) 

Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman 


Monetising Jollof Rice


Do you eat Jollof Rice?


  1. Introduction

2. What’s Jollof Rice?

3. Is it Popular?

4. How could I make money from jollof rice?

5. What’s the commercial potential of jollof rice?

6. What complimentary products and services could I monetize?

7. Could I diversify?

8. How much do I require, to start Monetising Jollof Rice?

9. What are the requirements to start monetising the Jollof Rice niche?

10. Are there regulatory authorities?

11. Do I need to be a caterer to monetize Jollof Rice?

12. Could I collaborate to monetize Jollof Rice?

13. Could I pick a position on the Jollof Rice value chain?

14. Some parts of the Jollof Rice value chain

15. Disclaimer

16. Here are some additional thoughts on Jollof Rice

17. If I had to tag content on Jollof Rice…

18. Below are some suggestions:

19. Semi - automating the preparation of jollof rice.

20. Entrepreneurial Jollof Rice Project

21. The Jollof Rice Entrepreneur

22. Hashtags:

23. Conclusion

24. Did you get value?

25. About Jack Lookman

26. OTHER PUBLICATIONS BY Jack Lookman Limited


  1. 1. Introduction

Welcome to another presentation in our series Jack’s Curated Business Ideas. This is Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman.  I shall explore an uncommon idea, tagged ‘Monetising Jollof Rice.’ 

You could find much more content on our different platforms. 

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You could also do a search for Jack Lookman on the internet. 

We also do Collaborations, Affiliate Marketing, as well as Mentoring

Please contact to discuss opportunities.

Now, let’s dive into the topic. 

Please endeavor to take notes as we journey through this presentation. In addition to your learning, your thoughts and creativity could be stimulated; be sure to capture and develop them. 

2. What’s Jollof Rice? 

  • Jollof rice is basically stewed cooked rice. 
  • As simple as this definition may seem, it takes a good cook or caterer to make the finished product delicious and fit for purpose. 
  • Jollof Rice is commonly eaten by Nigerians and some other nationals. 
  • It’s sometimes eaten with moin moin (bean pudding), ewa riro (stewed beans), dodo (fried plantain), chicken, meat, salad, etc
  • Most Nigerian events and homes have this as a staple menu. 

3. Is it Popular?

  • As the world continues to become a global village and and with the advent of Nigerians emerging in various successes. Jollof rice has become popular. 
  • When well prepared, it’s very easy to be indulged. Those who taste it often want some more, and more, and more.

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  • With the generous personalities of Nigerians, jollof rice continues to grow in popularity.

4. How could I make money from jollof rice?

You could make money from the jollof rice industry; by positioning your self on the value chain and then becoming good at what you do. I shall mention the value chain shortly. 

5. What’s the commercial potential of jollof rice?

  • The meal has the potential of spreading from predominant Nigerian and West African consumers, to people of other ethnic origins. 
  • It’s a meal which could find its way onto aisles of major global supermarkets, in years to come   play Jaaloo Puzzles 

6. What complimentary products and services could I monetize?

  • Later in this content, is a potential list of the value chain that could be explored. 
  • You could also explore other food products for any demographic of interest
  • You could replicate your skills or experience in other endeavours of relevance. 

7. Could I diversify?

  • You could definitely diversify. 
  • You only need to be good at what you do and then replicate this in similar or other endeavours   play Jaaloo Puzzles    

8. How much do I require, to start Monetising Jollof Rice?

  • Once you know where you fit on the value chain, you could then research the required finances. 
  • In most cases, if you have a compelling business case you could get the required funding. 
  • You could explore crowdfunding, investors, bank loans, etc
  • The amount you require depends on various factors: 
    • location
    • your role
    • competition, etc
  • You could even start a blog, or suitable other at very little cost; and progress your business by re-investing in it

9. What are the requirements to start monetising the Jollof Rice niche?

  • You need to have a positive mindset. 
  • You need to have the relevant skills. 
  • You may require equipment as necessary. 
  • You may require a team. 
  • You may require money 
  • And also an enabling environment. 

10. Are there regulatory authorities?

  • There are most probably regulatory authorities. 
  • Check those that relate to your location. 
  • Do a google search for food regulatory organisations in your location 
  • Or do complementary searches as necessary on the internet.   Jack Lookman Limited   play Jaaloo Puzzles 

11. Do I need to be a caterer to monetize Jollof Rice?

  • No, you don’t need to be a caterer. But you need to know how the industry works. 
  • You need to have a good insight and to position yourself strategically.
  • There are some suggested parts of the value chain mentioned below. You could place yourself where you best fit. 

12. Could I collaborate to monetize Jollof Rice?

  • Collaboration is a great way to go. 
  • Those of different strengths and capabilities could complement each other
  • However, like most things in life, 
  • Some collaborations go well. However, if the fit is wrong, it could go pear shaped.  
  • It’s advised that if you wish to ply this route. You should do your due diligence first. 

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13. Could I pick a position on the Jollof Rice value chain?

  • Some parts of the value chain are listed below. 
  • The list is not exhaustive. 
  • Look for where your interest and strength lies
  • Carry out research as necessary
  • Embolden yourself with the relevant skills and knowledge 
  • And then go ahead to explore and prosper. 

14. Some parts of the Jollof Rice value chain

  • Listing website
  • Mentoring
  • Logistics
  • Content creation 
  • Equipment
  • Engineering
  • Designers
  • Equipment leasing
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Business plans
  • Strategizing
  • Advertising
  • Investing
  • Social media management 
  • Social Media Marketing 
  • Blogging
  • Legal
  • Event planning
  • Branding
  • Catering
  • Farming
  • Coaching
  • Lecturing
  • Research
  • Consultancy
  • Public speaking
  • Livestock
  • Packaging
  • Food processing, etc

Jack’s Empowerment   Jack Lookman Limited   Life Lessons For Teenagers  play Jaaloo Puzzles 

15. Disclaimer

  • This presentation is a purely an academic exercise. 
  • Though it explores different potentials. It doesn’t guarantee riches or anything at all. 
  • It could be used as a guide and may or may not yield positive outcomes. 

16. Here are some additional thoughts on Jollof Rice 

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  • If I had to monetize jollof rice
  • I shall explore the value chain
  • Look for the best fit for me
  • Collaborate as necessary
  • Leverage the sweet spots in the industry
  • Multiply my efforts and resources as necessary
  • Strategize as necessary
  • Brainstorm the short and long term prospects
  • Diversify as necessary. 
  • I shall also explore complementary products and services -  those relating to Jollof Rice and otherwise. 
  • I could outsource content creation on: 
    • recipes
    • best practice
    • training, etc 
  • These are some ways in which I could monetize Jollof Rice 

17. If I had to tag content on Jollof Rice… 

  • Content could be digital, physical; or both 
  • It could be 
    • audio
    • video, text 
    • or a combination. 
  • It could be on different platforms 
  • And could be for different audiences. 
  • If I need to tag my content:
    • it shall be concise
    • it shall be relevant. 
    • It shall be memorable 
    • And possibly catchy. 

18. Below are some suggestions:

  • Jollof Rice Project
  • Monetising Jollof Rice
  • Making money with Jollof Rice
  • Optimizing the Jollof Rice potential
  • Monetising Jollof Rice without a spoon
  • Monetising Jollof Rice without a kitchen
  • The Jollof Rice Entrepreneur 

  • I could leverage search engine optimisation tools to optimize the process. 
  • With the hope of being found on the internet.

 Please tell me...what are your thoughts? 

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19. Semi - automating the preparation of jollof rice. 

  • Have you given this possibility a thought? 
  • I expect that the preparation of domestic Jollof Rice may become semi automated. 
  • If it’s not already happening; this may happen in time to come. 

  • As an entrepreneur, I should consider the under-listed:
    • I shall prepare for the possible eventuality. 
    • Invest in the design, manufacture and production of equipment. 
    • Buy shares in such industries. 
    • Position myself strategically for Affiliate Marketing as well as advertising. 
    • I shall compile relevant mailing lists of potential networks and customers. 
    • I shall have relationships with caterers and restaurants as well as marketers, event planners and related others. 
    • I shall 
      • think strategically
      • positioning myself in a place of advantage 
      • And get ready to grab opportunity whenever it comes. 

 20. Entrepreneurial Jollof Rice Project 

As an addition to the above:

  • I may create the entrepreneurial Jollof Rice Project
  • We shall have a team to brainstorm and act. 
  • They shall be Entrepreneurial minds to draw blueprints. 
  • We shall look into pros and cons and articulate our plans and thoughts. 
  • We shall dot each i, and cross every t. 
  • We shall set realistic timelines to achieve our financial goals

21. The Jollof Rice Entrepreneur

  • If I were in the industry:
    • I could become a Jollof Rice entrepreneur. 
    • I could make money from Jollof Rice without a cooking spoon. 
    • I could use complementary skills to make a difference. 
    • I could empower caterers and others in the industry. 
    • Yes, I could monetize Jollof Rice without having a kitchen. 

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If I were in the Jollof Rice business

    • I will position myself strategically
    • I will leverage my strengths. 
    • I will collaborate as necessary. 
    • I will invest. 
    • I will leverage freelancers to achieve my aims. 
    • I will explore passive income streams.  
    • I will research as necessary. 
    • I will explore diversification options.  
    • I will carry out due diligence to get the best of the process. 


22. Hashtags:

  • #JollofRice #JollofRiceProject 
  • #JollofRiceEntrepreneur 
  • #theJollofRiceEntrepreneur #JollofRicebusiness 
  • #EntrepreneurialJollofRiceProject 
  • #OptimisingJollofRice 
  • #semi-automatingJollofRice 
  • #monetisingJollofRicewithoutaspoon 
  • #monetisingJollofRicewithoutakitchen 
  • #jackscuratedbusinessideas 

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23. Conclusion 

As you may perceive; this is indeed another Curated Business Idea. It’s an idea that could potentially create jobs and wealth. Because it’s novel; you could also enjoy a monopoly. 

I hope that you got value. If so, please consider spreading the word. 

You could be an Affiliate Marketer and earn about 40% of the ebook sale.

You could access more content on our other platforms. 

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Collaborate.      Mentoring.    Be Empowered.     Play Jaaloo Puzzles     Jack Lookman Limited

We have content in text, audio and video formats. 

We also offer mentoring and collaborative services  with a suitable subject heading, if interested. 

24. Did you get value?  

If yes, please spread the word. 

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The transcript for the original audio presentation and additional information is  available at . Search for Jack’s Curated Business Ideas.

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Search for Jack Lookman 

We do mentoring, collaborations, Affiliate Marketing and content creation. 

You could contact us at 

Please use a suitable subject heading. 

We have great content on our websites:

Collaborate.      Mentoring.    Be Empowered.     Play Jaaloo Puzzles     Jack Lookman Limited

We also have books at:

Or you could search for Jack Lookman on the internet. 

Are you are interested in being one of our Affiliate Marketers? 

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Use a suitable heading and leave a brief request.

Thank you very much for your time.  

This is Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman  signing off. 

 Ire o (I wish you blessings) 

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings) 

Collaborate.      Mentoring.    Be Empowered.     Play Jaaloo Puzzles     Jack Lookman Limited

25. About Jack Lookman 

Olayinka  Carew, aka Jack Lookman  is the 1st of 5 Children.

He has 3 children, and an elderly mum. He is resident in the United Kingdom and is of Nigerian origin.

He studied at King’s College, Lagos and University of Lagos.

He has varied life and work experiences.

He has been involved in voluntary and paid jobs.

He is dedicating the rest of his life to empowering and inspiring generations.

This is one of his legacy projects.

Though he has health challenges, he does not let that impede his mission and vision. 

Even though he studied Engineering in University; his calling is so many miles away from that. He is currently an Entrepreneur, Content Creator, Affiliate Marketer and Mentor.

He is the Director and Owner of Jack Lookman Limited, a registered business in the United Kingdom; and their aim is to empower and inspire generations by leveraging the internet.

Collaborate.      Mentoring.    Be Empowered.     Play Jaaloo Puzzles     Jack Lookman Limited


26. OTHER PUBLICATIONS BY Jack Lookman Limited 

  1. Despair, Submission, Faith and Hope – Volume 1
  2. Despair, Submission, Faith and Hope – Volume 2
  3. Monetising Digital Book Reviews
  4. E-Commerce For Traditional African Attires
  5. Basic Management And Fundraising Tip For Community Groups
  6. Monetising A Digital Library
  7. Ajo, The App And Opportunities
  8. Empowering Orphans, Widows and Widowers 
  9. Submission, Gratitude, Faith and Hope 
  10. 10.Oro Ishiti- Indelible Yoruba Words 
  11. 11.Eid Monetisation by Leveraging Technology
  12. 12. What are your thoughts? What is your mindset? - Volume 1
  13. 13.What are your thoughts? What is your mindset? - Volume 2
  14. 14. Twenty Curated Business Ideas - Volume 1
  15. 15. Jaaloo Puzzles - Volume 1
  16. 16. Jaaloo Puzzles - Volume 2
  17. 17. Beauty Of The Storm
  18. 18. Digital Career Guidance App 
  19. 19. Bath Sponge Project 


Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman


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  Hello, greetings to one and all. This is Jack Lookman welcoming you to our series:   Jack’s Curated Business Ideas . Today's topic is ...