Saturday, 13 January 2024

Optimising The Teacher’s Potential - Jack’s Curated Business Idea

 Hello! Greetings to one and all. Welcome to our series on Jack's Curated Business Ideas. Today's topic is:

Optimising the Teacher’s Potential

Optimising the Teacher’s Potential

1. The Problem

2. Useful Tools for the Business

3. The team

4. The platforms

5. Requirements for the Students

6. Requirements for the Teachers

7. Marketing

8. Monetisation

9. Long Or Short Term Monetisation?

10. Cost implications

11. Do I need to be a teacher to monetise?

12. What are the Benefits?

13. Platforms

14. Pros and cons of the platforms

15. The curriculum

16. The process

17. Opportunities

18. Threats

19. Conclusion

Our Mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by Leveraging the Internet.

My name is Jack Lookman. Let's dive into the topic. 

1. The Problem 

Teachers come in many forms. We have classroom teachers, lecturers, mentors, facilitators, coaches, experienced professionals, experienced artisans, religious clerics, etc.

For the purpose of this presentation I shall focus on classroom teachers. Classroom teachers are presumably the bedrock of the society. They lay the right foundations for our children, who will grow to become adults and tomorrow's leaders.

If the foundation is weak or faulty, there are chances of disintegration in the society. The problem, is however, that teaching in the traditional way has a lot of shortcomings. Also, there is so much to teach the children in an ever-changing environment. The good news is that if the Internet and Technology are again fully used, there is opportunity for much greater positive impact on the children and the society. 

Also, in some societies or countries, teachers are poorly remunerated, hence they may not be incentivised to give their  best.

2. Useful Tools for the Business 

  • Digital gadgets.
  • Platforms on which the products will be accessed.
  • Marketing tools 
  • Video editing tools 
  • Location and tools for inscribing the content, classroom, board, lighting, etc
  • Alternatively, you could use digital software (artificial intelligence) and other useful tools.
  • Social Media Platforms 
  • Membership Site 
  • Etc

3. The team

The project team could include:

  • Content creator 
  • Video editor
  • Researcher 
  • Project manager 
  • The Teacher 
  • The Marketer 
  • Social media manager
  • The Entrepreneur
  • IT manager 
  • Lawyer 
  • Etc

The above isn't set in stone. The list could be modified or adapted to suit your needs. And Team members could have multiple roles. 

4. The platforms 

Get Inspired -

Suggested platforms are: 

  • Social media such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok.
  • Other platforms could be membership site or Patreon. 
  • You could check the relevant terms and conditions of each platform. 
  • Also, check if there are cost implications for using such platforms.

5. Requirements for the Students

  • They need to show willingness to learn.
  • They should have basic IT skills.
  • They should have supporting parents or guardians.
  • They should have relevant IT equipment or digital devices such as  smartphone, a digital tablet, computer. 
  • They need to have access to the internet 
  • There shall be enabling environments
  • They need to have positive mindsets
  • And not an empty stomach
  • Etc 

6. Requirements for the Teachers

  • Basic IT skills 
  • A team 
  • Relevant content 
  • Interpersonal Skills 
  • Relevant digital equipment 
  • Internet access
  • Etc

7. Marketing 

  • You could do the marketing yourself.
  • You could also outsource it
  • You could leverage digital marketing. 
  • Referrals
  • Social media marketing 
  • Influencer marketing 
  • Google marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Affiliate marketing (especially for membership sites)
  • You could also have a sales funnel (which will help optimise your sales and monetisation)
  • You could encourage your users to use the share buttons to invite similar others onto your platform.
  • You could include social buttons
  • You could create affiliate marketing systems whereby those who invite paying clients could get commissions for their efforts.

8. Monetisation

You could monetise via:

  • Payments from clients.
  • You could promote complimentary products and services of others via affiliate marketing.
  • You could create a sales funnel to optimise your income.
  • You could create and market additional products and services.
  • You could collaborate with necessary others. 
  • You could optimise monetisation models for each social media platform
  • Etc

9. Long Or Short Term Monetisation?

  • Well, it depends on different factors
  • For example if your content is of great value and becomes evergreen.
  • You could make passive income for a long time.
  • If there is minimal or no competition you could also make a lot of money.

10. Cost implications

  • You may require basic equipment and software as necessary.
  • For social media platforms a digital device may be good enough to start. You could then reinvest as necessary. You may also need to pay for internet access.
  • Most social media platforms are currently free for content upload. 
  • If you intend to use a a membership site you may need to make regular payments either monthly or annually. 
  • If you choose to record or outsource content creation, you may consider cost implications. For example the venue, the logistics, video editing, other costs of outsourcing. 

11. Do I need to be a teacher to monetise? 

  • Not at all. For instance if you're an Entrepreneur, you could pay Teachers and other team members to create the content.
  • You could facilitate the processes and then monetise. 
  • Even as a team member, depending on your contract you may be able to profit-share for as long as profit is being made.
  • You  could leverage a profit sharing formula app which we intend to create, very soon. That app could help collaborators 

12. What are the Benefits?

  • Improved and effective learning and teaching experience. 
  • Minimised stress on Teachers and students.
  • Achieving more with less effort. 
  • Getting the best out of Teachers and students.
  • Expanded scope of subjects being taught. 
  • Optimisation of time and other resources.
  • Added value to society.
  • Creation of jobs and wealth. 
  • Extra income for Teachers 
  • Happier and more efficient Teachers.
  • Greater productivity.
  • Improved performance and results by students. 

13. Platforms

  • You could leverage one or more platforms to to disseminate the content. 
  • These could be social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Etc 
  • You could have a membership site.
  • You might also create content on ebooks and or paperbacks. 
  • Another platform could be a Blog

14. Pros and cons of the platforms

  • Most social media platforms will give you free access. However, you need to abide by their rules and regulations.
  • They could suspend or expel you if  you breach their terms and.conditions.
  • You could leverage their monetisation options
  • You could also sign post your audience to other products and services and earn a commission. 
  • With books you'll have your content in electronic  format; and could be updated as necessary.
  • You could monetise via product sales.
  • You could also include affiliate marketing links to promote products and services of others.
  • You could create and promote your other products and services with the membership site. Here, you'll need to pay a subscription in order to display your content. Interested people will subscribe to your course or courses. 
  • They might need to subscribe periodically.
  • You could also do affiliate marketing as well as promote other your products and services.
  • You could update your content as necessary.
  • With the ebooks and membership sites you'll have access to users email addresses. You could then market and re-market suitable products and services for as long as possible.
  • You could earn lifetime customers and you could also get collaborators.
  • Processes could be automated
  • You could make passive recurring income

15. The curriculum

  • You could decide your own curriculum. This could include academic subject or subjects. 
  • Mindset
  • Life lessons
  • Memorisation tips
  • Health and well-being
  • Mentoring 
  • Relevant sign posts 
  • Basic research skills
  • Time management 
  • Career-guidance tips 
  • Money management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • You could decide what you want to include and at what level or levels.
  • You could collaborate with relevant others in order to enrich the content. 
  • You could then agree on a fair profit-sharing formula (PSF) by leveraging the Profit Sharing Formula App or suitable alternatives

16. The process

  • Some of the processes required to accomplish success are:
  • Research and development
    • For example you need to do market research, competitor research, and maybe product research.
  • Content creation
  • Content upload 
  • Content updates
  • Marketing
  • Video editing 
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Best practice from users replicating the business model on other niches
  • Monetisation
  • Automation
  • Collaboration 
  • Profit sharing formula
  • Sign post to suitable other content
  • Outsourcing

17. Opportunities

  • Job creation 
  • Wealth creation 
  • Positive impact
  • Access to education
  • Up-skilling 
  • Societal benefits 
  • Taxable income for government 
  • Empowerment of concerned parties 
  • Affiliate marketing opportunities 
  • Creating value 
  • Global access

18. Threats

  • This could include disruption of the status quo
  • Non-accessibility of digital gadgets by users 
  • Non-accessibility of internet connection
  • Sabotage
  • Fraud
  • Competition
  • Affordable power supply
  • Reliable internet access. 

19. Conclusion 

This project is about leveraging the internet to empower, to inspire, to impact and to monetise. There is apparently a lot of space in the marketplace, to accommodate this venture as well as space  to enjoy a monopoly, especially in carefully selected demographics.  The capital and running cost are comparatively low. There is also a lot of opportunity to scale the business. This project could be executed by Teachers, Entrepreneurs, etc.

In order to cut down on costs, you could leverage the strengths and resources of your team, without paying them;  and then articulate a profit sharing formula or use the Profit Sharing Formula App instead of traditional payments. 

If the content is of great quality and value, yourself and team could potentially monetise for a lifetime. 

You could start in one niche and then progress to others. 

This Business Idea is basically a Curated Business Idea. It is for you to adapt it to your situation and taste. 

As in everything in life, nothing is guaranteed. Life is about trying, and taking risks. As long as the risks are informed and calculated, there is a great chance of immense success.

At Jack Lookman Limited, we also do affiliate marketing, hence we may promote products and services of ourselves and others at no additional cost to the purchaser. We therefore get a commission from each sale made. 

We wish you every success in your entrepreneurial pursuits and look forward to a meeting at the top.

I hope that you've got some value from this content. If so, please consider liking, sharing, subscribing, and reposting.  Also feel free to comment as necessary. 

You could access our other content. We've written many  books. You could find them at Amazon, Selar or other reputable book stores. Search for Jack Lookman on the internet. 

You could find us on Social media - on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, Etc 

Just search for Jack Lookman or Curated Business Ideas. You could also access content on our websites at and 

If you are inclined to playing number puzzles, please visit Jaaloo Puzzles at or 

Our authored books are on curated business ideas, mindset, poetry, puzzles, etc; please search for Jack Lookman on the internet. They're in paperback and ebook formats. 

We also do mentoring. Please visit and search for Jack’s Mentoring 101.

We do business collaborations as well. Again, visit and search for Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman

We have a big collection of Jack’s Curated Business Ideas at 

Our Mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by Leveraging the Internet. 

Thank you very much for your time. This is Jack Lookman signing off. 

Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings) 

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MONETISING POETRY BY LEVERAGING THE INTERNET - Jack’s Curated Business Idea - Jack Lookman - Empowering And Inspiring Generations